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Audio: 10000 Reasons by Matt Redman
Project info
The 3D animated film is the first attempt of the designer to study story-telling in 3D animation, especially character movements and rigging. Three-act structure is applied to define the story and plot points.
A simple storyboard of the animation is made to quickly demonstrate the story. This also marks out the main angle or compositions of these key shots. Following this is a rough sketched animatic, briefly illustrates the animation between the scenes.
Ben is five years old, living with his mother in a small cozy house.
Plot point: His mom gave him a photo of his dad, always tell him, that his father isa busy fireman, so he's not at home oftens.
Growing up, Ben idolizes his dad a lot, drawing pictures that his dad saves people, and paste all over the bedroom.
Plot point: Ben is truly excited whenever hearing firetruck's sound. It never stops at his house and always goes past. Ben is a little upset every time.
We see Ben's house on fire, clearly that he did it with a lighter still in his hand. He hopes to meet his dad once.
Ben keeps looking to find a similar face when a fire truck arrived. At the background we hear a burning house and the scream of his mother inside.
The project is still undergoing development, and it is planned to release the next part of it in the near future. In the mean time, can you find the dad for Ben?
Project documents
Audio: 10000 Reasons by Matt Redman